The stress and overwork are the biggest enemies of the human’s body that accelerate the aging process. Nowadays the psychical and physical overload, as well pollution and irregular way of life are the reasons for damaging our skin, disturbing our physical tonus and self-confidence. For avoiding the negative influence of the stress, the medicine uses since ages successfully the established method of the massage. The massage technique is one of the most pleasant ways to improve the body functions, blood and lymphatic circulation and brings relax for the body . On one hand it eliminates the dead cells from the upper layer of the skin as it allows the skin to “breath” properly. On other hand - it stimulates the blood circulation and contributes the normal functions of the digestive system. Acting over specific points of the face and body, the good massage eliminates toxics, regenerates the cells and brings complete relax for the body.
Classical European Massage
It is a standard form of a massage with universal acting. This type of massage easily releases the lymphatic system from the blocades. It acts over the blood system and central nerve system, stimulates the substances exchange and eliminates the toxics. It also strengthens the immune system. As a result comes the feeling for a general improvement of the tonus and blood circulation. During this massage the cells and tissues get enriched with oxygen and the skin gets soothed as returning its radiance and nice outlook. Moreover this massage gives a complete physical and psychical relax on the body.
Ayurveda Shirodhara Wellness Treatment
This unique therapy has an age-based history and it’s called as well the “classical Ayurveda” treatment. This massage removes the stress and provides a deep relax for the body by activating the sensors, removing the irritation, tensions, scare or anger. It improves the concentration and the night sleep, balancing the “dosha”-s. A very good effect of this treatment is also that it helps for the fast growing of the hair and for the good maintenance of the eyesight.
From Sanskrit the word “Shir” means “head” and “Dhara” means “pour”. Shirodhara is a slowly and constantly flowing stream of aromatic oil over a special point of the forehead /called “The third eye- point”/ , followed by gentle massage on the scalp.
The special aromatic oil is warmed up beforehand and contains: wheat germs oil, sesame oil and vitamin E, which are the ingredients with the most powerful anti-oxidating and nourishing effect.
The duration of the therapy is nearly 30min usually and 50 min if it includes head- , shoulder-, face- and feet-massage. Shirodhara treatment can be combined successfully with Aromatherapy and Anti-cellulite programs.
Abhyanga massage
This massage is an ancient type of Indian massage, done with the warmed up specific oil, which are selected by the client’s personal “dosha”. Abhyanga is concentrated over the mentally calming, stimulating and improving of the lymphatic circulation by eliminating the toxics and in the same time nourishes the body with the most necessary ingredients. This type of massage applies deep relaxing techniques and stimulates the “marma points”. Abhyanga massage is a perfect way to achieve harmony, comfort and relax for your body and mind, as well achieving of a nice figure by tightening the tissues and rejuvenating the skin.
Choco Therapy
In last times chocolate has become a remarkable beauty ingredient specially renamed in the aesthetic field.
Cacao has a great amount of poliphenols, very powerful anti-oxidant, and Tanins, with a an important action on blood-vessels dilatation and free radicals fighting action. Free radicals are responsible for cell aging.
In the body treatments, chocolate actives the lymphatic circulation and also has anti-cellulite and firming action.
In face treatments, chocolate improves micro-circulation, cell oxygenation and tissues regeneration.
Among all its actions we can point up:
- Anti-wrinkles: Due to the content in Magnesium (Mg), Copper (Cu) and Zinc (Zn) all of them producers of collagen and elastine.
- Firming: By the content of vitamins B1, B2, B3 and folic acid, it leaves your face smooth and tight.
- Nourishing: It provides to your skin all the necessary ingredients and oligo-elements necessary to carry out the vital functions.
- Antioxidant: This is due to the content of poliphenols.
- Anti-cellulite: Chocolate is very rich in Theobromine, that besides its slimming action it also improves the skin tone.
- Vessel protector and draining: The flavonoids help in case of liquid retention and protect the blood circulation.
- Moisturising action on the skin.
- Regenerating.- Due to its content in Anto-cyanine and flavonoids.
- Relaxing.- Chocolate is very rich in feniletilamine, a substance that increase the levels of serotonine (with close relation in people state of mind) and endorphines, brain hormones responsible of the relax and calming sensations. For this reason is said that chocolate improves your state of mind..
It is advised in the following cosmetic treatments: anti-aging, skin protectors against environmental agents, sun-protection, local anti-cellulite and slimming treatments, relaxing, face and body masks. It is also advised for dry, aged and atone skins.
Geothermal therapy with volcanic stones
The Geothermal therapy is a brand-new massage technique, meant for achieving a harmony and balance between the nature and the human’s body. This treatment provides to the body complete relax by using cold or warm stones, acting on 2 levels:
- static level – acting over some special points of the human’s body
- dynamic level – using some special massage techniques
The warm stones increase the blood flow in the treated zone and in the same time provides relaxing effect over the muscles, as well reduces the pain.
The cold stones cause a flexion of the blood vessels by releasing histamine and other substances which reduce the pain.
Tropical Bamboo massage
This is an exotic massage, done with special natural bamboo sticks, combined with using of aromatic oils. It regenerates and improves the structure of the tissues, eliminates the toxics, revitalize and sooth the skin. For the bamboo massage is used a special technique, that helps the body to achieve complete relax and harmony. It removes the stress and makes one feels pleasant and comfortable.
One interesting fact: The bamboo is one of the most important factors in the Eastern Philosophy for achieving of spiritual peace and harmony.